Become a Strong Chess Fighter

chess player
Become a strong chess player by mastering the art of attacking the opponent king, brilliant strategic maneuvers, sacrifices, and tactical blows.
Our chess lessons and fully annotated games will ignite your passion for the game and fuel your desire to learn more. This seamless learning experience offers a perfect balance of theory and practical, engaging lessons to promote your evolution into a skilled and savvy chess player.

Sample Chess Lesson

Chess Course Overview:

Masterful Tactics: Unleash an Unstoppable Assault


Prepare to unleash an unstoppable assault on your opponent’s king with our comprehensive course, “Strong Chess Fighter.” Gain access to an extensive array of tactical combinations, complex attacking sequences, and audacious sacrifices that will leave even the most skilled opponents in awe. Building your attack on a solid, comprehensive strategy is critical. With “Strong Chess Fighter,” you will develop a highly pragmatic approach to planning, gaining the upper hand and mastering the art of executing maneuvers swiftly.


Dynamic, Forceful Strategy: Outmaneuver and Dominate


To outmaneuver skilled chess players, active and aggressive play is crucial. Our course empowers you with the knowledge and skills to enhance your piece mobility, gain a deep understanding of optimal piece positioning, unlock strategic lines of attack, and foster effective piece cooperation. By mastering the art of initiating attacks, you’ll put pressure on your opponents, forcing them into a defensive mindset and compelling them to make mistakes.


Exact Moves, Precision and Prophylaxis: Make Every Move Count


Every move counts. Train with “Strong Chess Fighter” to ensure that each of your moves is purposeful, precise, and aligned with your ‘TO DO List’. We’ll study great games of World Chess Champions, analyzing the exact series of moves that led to their victories. Learn from the masters and refine your decision-making process to make serious improvements. Gain a deep understanding of the importance of prophylactic measures in your attacks. In our course, you’ll learn how to see your opponent’s resources, neutralize potential threats, and maintain a solid position while launching your attacks.


Become a Bold and Confident Chess Player


“Strong Chess Fighter” will transform you into a fearless and self-assured player. Enhance your ability to evaluate positions, plan your attacks, and exploit weaknesses with precision and confidence. Break bad habits, develop critical thinking skills that enable you to make sound decisions under pressure, unlocking your full potential as a well-rounded and dominant chess player. Our practical chess training approach is tailored to encourage independent thinking, unleash your imagination, and strengthen your chess logic.


Strong Attacker? Strong Chess Player!


If you excel at attacking the king, you are a strong chess player. A successful attack against the king requires careful preparation. Without a secure center, the attack will fail. If your opponent’s threats on other parts of the board are stronger, your attack will falter. If your tactics are weak, you may miss opportunities. With this course, you will gain the skills, knowledge, and mindset to become a strong chess player. Begin your empowering journey towards unleashing your full potential.

Join “Strong Chess Fighter” and unlock your chess potential today!

“Strong Chess Fighter” is a 12-week course that focuses on attacking strategy, tactics, calculation, and essential elements of the thinking process.

Every week for 12 weeks, you’ll get access to a new set of lessons on your account. You can read the lessons and replay the chess moves directly in your browser.

You’ll have a lifetime access to the course.

The course includes full, unlimited coaching support for one year.

The course is regularly updated based on valuable student feedback to provide the most relevant and efficient content possible.

Learn more about our team of experienced chess coaches.

Have questions?
Please check the frequently asked questions or contact us.

Testimonials from Our Successful Students:

We have over 20 years of experience in chess tutoring and 16 years as an online chess school. More than 10,000 students have studied with us and have all achieved excellent results. Many of our students have reached the level of Chess Master and above. Additionally, some of our students have become chess coaches themselves. Please take a moment to read some of the testimonials below:

“… for 3 years I’ve been reading/studying everything I could find and nothing compares to your method/approach and the clarity. …Only 3 weeks and already I look at the board with new and fresh perspective that promises to LEAD SOMEWHERE!!” – Michael C.

First of all, I’d like to tell that your chess course has an extraordinary effect on my latest results. …as more and more pieces of the puzzle start to fall in place, I’m playing with a lot more confidence, I have won almost all of my latest games and will be gaining at this moment already approx. 130 ELO-rating points in 3 months.” – Bart C

“Speaking as someone who has over 500 chess books (I am somewhat of a collector) I have found this program to be HIGHLY instructive and easy to assimilate.” – Roland W

“I am delighted with the lessons which are superb and by far the best instructional material I have ever read.” – Laurence D.

“I think the materials are wonderful. Definitely they are not something you can read in a book, and they are also very practical for your play.” – Eric E

“I’m 52 years old and began 2 years ago playing in Internet. I have a lot of books, DVD, and, believe me, no one explain chess like your Chess School. Now I begin to understand really HOW TO PLAY CHESS! To qualify these lessons there are only three words…1. EXCELLENT…2. EXCELLENT…3 EXCELLENT.” – Balduino L., Spain

“I know how difficult it is to get good realistic and truly practical chess instruction. Your program is by far the best I have been able to find.” – Robert C., USA

 “Thanks to your method I’m now more and more able to use this knowledge to actually make difference in my play.” – I.S., USA

“[The course] is helping me to develop chess thinking skills that I have never had. […] My game is improving, a lot.” – Alden I.

“Your product is superb. I really appreciate the ‘no-shortcut approach’. I’ve learned a ton and can’t wait to keep practicing and learning. Thank you for providing this service at such a good price as well.” – Jared L.